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Chekesha N. Crippen

Business Consultancy & Coaching

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Empowering Transformation: Life Purpose Coaching & Business Establishment Consultancy

Unlock Your Potential and Thrive Amid Change with Transformation Coaching and Business Establishment Consultancy

Change is upon us, and in this fast-paced world, it's essential to adapt and thrive. With over five years of experience in business consultancy, I have helped businesses of all sizes establish themselves and succeed in the face of change through innovative strategies and a bold vision. Now, I am taking my expertise to the next level by offering Life Purpose Coaching. Let me help you get your life and business ready for the future!

Together, we will unlock your potential and find your true purpose, while establishing your business on solid ground. I will provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed in both your personal and professional life. From developing a clear vision to implementing effective strategies, I will help you navigate the challenges of change and reach your full potential.

Don't let change hold you back. Embrace the future with confidence and take control of your life and business. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation and start your transformation journey!"

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Services Offered

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Life on Purpose Transforming Through Difficult Times Coaching

Business Formation, implementation, and Innovation

Coaching on Business Credit Establishment

  • Coaching on Business Credit Establishment is a comprehensive program designed to help small business owners and entrepreneurs establish a strong credit profile for their business.
  • My experienced coaches and I provide guidance and support throughout the process, from understanding credit reporting agencies to developing a credit-building strategy.
  • We help you understand the importance of business credit and teach you how to build and maintain a strong credit history, which is essential for securing loans, lines of credit, and other forms of financing.
  • Our program covers topics such as business credit reporting agencies, credit utilization, payment history, and more.
  • If you're looking to establish a solid credit foundation for your business, contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to financial success.

  • Business Formation, Implementation, and Innovation is a comprehensive consultancy service aimed at helping businesses of all sizes establish themselves and succeed in the face of change.
  • I am an experienced consultant and provide expert guidance and support throughout the entire business formation process, from developing a clear vision to implementing effective strategies.
  • I specialize in helping businesses navigate the challenges of change and innovate for success, through the use of cutting-edge strategies and a bold vision.
  • My services include business formation, implementation planning, market research, brand development, and more.
  • Let me help you get your business future-ready. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to success.

  • Life on Purpose Transforming Through Difficult Times Coaching is a supportive and empowering program designed to help individuals navigate challenges and find resilience, hope, and growth.
  • I provide a safe and confidential space to share experiences and emotions, while guiding you in developing new coping strategies and gaining a fresh perspective.
  • Through this coaching program, you will learn how to build resilience, connect with others, and achieve your goals, regardless of the obstacles you may face.
  • Life on Purpose Transforming Through Difficult Times Coaching is suitable for anyone looking to transform through difficult times and find their purpose in life.
  • Get started on your journey today by scheduling a free consultation with me.

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What Clients Say

BCHome Improvements & Lawn Care

Kesha helped me get my business set up and running. She helped me get everything from my business phone number to starting establishing my business credit. I am now working with her to start-up my 2nd business. Anthony-owner

Tori N.

Kesha helped me when I was going through a difficult time as a teenager and ever since. I have had some dark times in my life and I could always go to her for counseling about anything day or night she always made herself available. Tori-Long Time Client

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All In Kennel

Kesha helped me get my business set up and running. She helped me get everything from my business marketing, videos and branding, to starting establishing my business credit. She went above and beyond to help me market and brand my business and get it going, -Juan

Rebecca W.

Chekesha is my stepmom but she helped me through a tough time in my life when I was going through domestic violence. I could confide in her and she told me some serious useful life lessons.-Becca

Dirty Dogg Bully Kennel

This is my second business Kesha helped me start-up establish and get business credit. Trust me it is not easy I tried by myself but she was great in helping me get it done.- Anthony

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Work with Me

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Chekesha N. Crippen

Tha. BossLady

Phone Number

(888) 792-1468

Mailing Address

PO Box 27836 Knoxville, TN. 37927

Email Address